Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) needed a complete overhaul for its flagship site as well as its publications portal, the Migration Information Source, including a new responsive design. With over a decade of establishing a bold, memorable, purple-and-teal visual identity, MPI's brand equity had to be leveraged and carefully retained. Better focus on its world renowned research as well as small-scale but high-impact adjustments to its branding helped the new site design to better reflect the organization's distinguished reputation in Washington.
"I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for all your hard work and valuable insight on this project. We feel like we learned a tremendous amount from you, and that you deftly helped us navigate the many, many considerations that go into re-imaging how we offer content online in the most accessible and user-friendly manner. It’s been a pleasure working with each of you." — MPI Stakeholder