Quest! App

Quest! is a web-based app for students and teachers using Quest Forward Learning. It provides active, project-based learning, deeply embedded with a framework of skills and essential life habits that students practice daily, ensuring they not only have the academic knowledge for success in school, but they're prepared to thrive after graduation too.

My Role

One of my first roles with Opportunity Education was serving as the first app designer, developing user experience, branding, user interface designs, a design system, and accessibility, working closely with a couple of in-house engineers. Our approach was heavy on feedback loops, frequent iteration, small releases. Amidst the constant change, the voice of the platform remained constant: friendly, inclusive, direct, easy to understand, encouraging, knowledgeable, warm, and positive.

I later transitioned into a Design Director role, leading a small team of product designers. I now serve as OE's Creative Director, which began in January of 2019, which meant a transition away from the Platform Team. I now provide the occasional critique and brand alignment guidance. I played varying roles in the designs you'll see here, and am more than happy to discuss them in more detail if you're curious!