QuestMaker App
QuestMaker is a web-based app for Quest Forward Learning curriculum designers who write quests, manage courses, and evaluate curriculum. Quests are projects that bring together social learning, independent exploration and discovery, skill-building, and the creation of artifacts. Within QuestMaker, quests are evaluated for subject matter, how well they fit within the planned arc of the course, student relevance, copywriting, their adherence to national and local curriculum standards, Quest Forward Learning principles, and more. When quests are approved and published in QuestMaker, the quest appears in the Quest! app for students and mentors.
My Role
One of my first roles with Opportunity Education was serving as the first app designer, developing both user experience strategy, branding, and user interface designs, working closely with a couple of in-house engineers. I later transitioned into a Design Director role, leading a small team of product designers. I now serve as OE's Creative Director, which began in January of 2019, which meant a departure from the Platform Team. I now provide the occasional critique and brand alignment guidance. I played varying roles in the designs you'll see here, and am more than happy to discuss them in more detail if you're curious!